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Your face is the one part of your body that you can’t hide under clothes when having a bad day. It is there for everyone to see and it is the part of you that greets the world.
Rightly or wrongly, people judge you by your face and make assumptions about you. This makes us all self-conscious about any parts of the face that we are unhappy with.
These worries cover many different parts of the face and everyone is different but the areas that are most commonly a worry include a sagging brow, a misshapen nose or just general unhappiness with ageing. Whatever the issue there are many cosmetic surgery options, all of which can be tailored to meet your individual needs.
Facial Surgery
for men and women
Gravity and the skin’s natural ageing process can result in loss of skin elasticity, thinning of the skin, folds and wrinkles, loss of volume and sometimes the appearance of gauntness. This is often accelerated and heightened by environmental and lifestyle factors such as smoking, sun exposure, stress or weight loss.
Facial surgery can’t stop the ageing process, but there are procedures that will help turn back the clock. The ideal candidate will have some elasticity to the skin and good bone structure.
Surgery time
From 1 hour
Time off work
From 1 week
Hospital stay
Day or Overnight case
Safe to exercise
From 2 weeks
Surgery dependent
Long haul travel
From 1 week
MyBreast offers a full range of facial surgery procedures.
As you get older, the skin on your forehead starts to lose its elasticity and forehead lines or wrinkles start to appear. Your eyebrows can also droop which may give an appearance of heaviness of the upper eyelids. This can lead to looking permanently tired or “miserable” despite getting enough sleep. This is a common issue in middle-age or older, however the problem can develop in younger people where it can cause distress.
The brow lifting procedure lifts the tissues of the forehead to a higher position, this raises the eyebrows and opens the upper eyelid to give a younger, fresher appearance. The muscles at the top of the nose can also be weakened to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles in that area.
Get in touch
Look no further for your dream body.
Get in touch today to speak to one of our friendly advisors who will be able to book you in for an initial consultation.
9 Harley St | London | W1G 9QY