Medical Terms Explained
The A-Z of everything you need to know….
Abdominoplasty – Tummy Tuck
A cosmetic surgery procedure that removes fat and excess skin from the tummy and lower abdomen and tightens the underlying muscles. The end result is a smaller flatter tummy.
A sedating medication used during a surgical procedure to relieve pain or sensation. Can be either locally applied to an area or used in a general form to send you to sleep during a procedure.
Blepharoplasty – Eye lift
Cosmetic surgery focused on the eyelid tissues (bags and loose skin) to counteract the effects of aging and gravity. Surgery can be carried out on the excess skin, muscle, and underlying fatty tissue either to raise the upper eyelids and reduce bagginess from lower eyelids. The procedure redefines the shape of the eye, reduces wrinkles and can improve vision.
Brow lift
A browlift is a cosmetic surgery procedure which tightens the skin and underlying muscles of the forehead and eyebrows, correcting frown lines and eliminating sagging eyebrows.
A soft plastic tube which can be inserted into a vein to deliver medications and take blood. If part of a liposuction procedure it is inserted into a body cavity and attached to a high vacuum device to remove fat.
A naturally occurring protein in our skin tissue that forms the main structural support of skin, tendon, bone, cartilage and connective tissue.
A specialist on the GMC register holding an NHS consultant post.
Cosmetic surgery – plastic surgery
A surgical procedure undertaken at the patients choice with the purpose of altering/reshaping the normal structures of the body and improving their appearance in the way desired by the patient.
Eye bag Removal – Blepharoplpasty
Cosmetic surgery focused on the eyelid tissues (bags and loose skin) to counteract the effects of aging and gravity. Surgery can be carried out on the excess skin, muscle, and underlying fatty tissue either to raise the upper eyelids and reduce bagginess from lower eyelids. The procedure redefines the shape of the eye, reduces wrinkles and can improve vision.
Gynaecomastia – MOOBS/Man boobs
A male’s mammary gland over-develops and results visible breast tissue. This can be due to hormonal changes (infancy, adolescence, and old age), some medications, some illegal drugs and sometimes it can just be a case of extra fat.
Blood that collects outside of the normal blood vessels in areas where blood is not supposed to be.
Implants are synthetic breast shapes used in breast augmentation.
A surgical cut made with a sharp instrument in a body areas during an operation.
A natural response of body tissues and cells to injury or irritation causing redness, swelling and pain in the affected area and sometimes accompanied by heat.
Keratin is a crucial structural protein in skin, hair and nails. It contributes to skin rigidity. Skin levels of keratin decrease naturally with age causing wrinkles.
Mini tummy tuck
A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes fat and excess skin from the tummy and lower abdomen and tightens the underlying muscles. The end result is a smaller flatter tummy. The mini tummy tuck concentrates on fat below the navel (tummy button).
MOOBS/Man boobs (Gynaecomastia)
A male’s mammary gland over-develops and results visible breast tissue. This can be due to hormonal changes (infancy, adolescence, and old age), some medications, some illegal drugs and sometimes it can just be a case of extra fat.
Nose reshaping/nose job (Rhinoplasty)
A cosmetic procedure to change the shape or size of the nose. This can be to reduce overall size, alter the shape of the bridge or tip, narrow the nostrils, alter the angle between lip and nose, correct breathing problems or correct an injury.
Otoplasty – Pinnaplasty
A surgical procedure to pull prominent ears back and closer to the head. Skin is removed and cartilage reshaped behind the ears. This allows the ears to then be pulled and secured into the new position with all scars hidden behind the ears. Pinnaplasty can also involve the repair of split ear lobes.
Pinnaplasty (Otoplasty)
A surgical procedure to pull prominent ears back and closer to the head. Skin is removed and cartilage reshaped behind the ears. This allows the ears to then be pulled and secured into the new position with all scars hidden behind the ears. Pinnaplasty can also involve the repair of split ear lobes.
Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery is surgery that specialises in the correction, restoration, reconstruction, and improvement in the shape and appearance of body structures that are defective, damaged or misshapen or that the patient is simply not happy with.
Qualified nurse
A nurse who has completed a recognised and certified qualification/nursing degree and who is registered and licensed to practice as a nurse in the UK.
Reconstructive plastic surgery
Surgical procedure to that is performed to restore, construct or reconstruct the shape and appearance of the body and facial structures which are missing, deformed, damaged or misshapen. This type of surgery is usually performed to improve function, but may also be performed to approximate a normal appearance.
Rhinoplasty – Nose Job
A commonly undertaken cosmetic procedure designed to reshape the appearance of the nose.
Rhytidectomy – Facelift
A surgical procedure that tightens underlying facial muscles and removes excess skin to eliminate drooping, wrinkled and sagging facial skin.
The body’s natural way of healing and replacing lost or damaged skin which is usually composed of fibrous tissue such as collagen. Scars may be formed for many different reasons, including as a result of infections, surgery, injuries, or inflammation of tissue.
Below the skin.
Small stitches used to hold a wound together.
The Care Quality Commission
The CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. They monitor and regulate care services provided by the NHS, local authorities or voluntary organizations. They do this by:
- encouraging improvement across health and adult social care
- putting people first and standing up for their rights
- acting quickly to remedy bad practice
- gathering and using knowledge and expertise, and working with others
They register and license providers of care services if they meet essential standards of quality and safety.
Thigh Lift
A thigh lift is a surgical procedure which tightens sagging muscles and remove excess skin from the thigh area.
Tummy Tuck
A cosmetic surgery procedure that removes fat and excess skin from the tummy and lower abdomen and tightens the underlying muscles. The end result is a smaller flatter tummy.
An X-ray is a means of taking photographs of structure inside the body, mainly bones and cartilage. X-rays are radioactive waves which are fired at the body and photographed on the other side by a special plate. They are a useful guide for the surgeon in procedures such as facelifts and nose restructure. If you would like to speak to someone about cosmetic surgery please call MyBreast on 0870 780 4000.
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