Pre-assessment form

We are delighted that you have chosen MyBreast for your operation.


Pre-assessment form

We are delighted that you have chosen MyBreast for your operation.

We would be grateful if you would spend a few minutes completing this questionnaire as soon as possible. This will then be reviewed by our Pre-assessment Nurse. It is important you follow our recommendations on isolating between now and your admission.

We recommend you to isolate for seven days prior to your procedure with the exception of having your Covid swab taken.

Failure to complete this questionnaire may result in your procedure being cancelled one the day. The Pre-assessment Nurse will liaise with your consultant anaesthetist to decide whether any further tests or investigations are needed, and to ensure your anaesthetic is the safest possible.

If you have any questions, please contact the Pre-assessment Nurse on: 0203 642 1490

    Select A Hospital

    [group Hospitals]


    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""]

    COVID 19 Information

    The following questions are designed to keep the hospital, patients and staff as free as possible from COVID-19. It is essential you answer them as truthfully as possible. We will be happy to discuss your concerns. If you have any of the following symptoms prior to your admission please contact our Pre-assessment team to discuss the best way to proceed; new continuous cough, high temperature, shortness of breath or loss or taste and smell.

    Vaccination status*

    Have you ever tested POSITIVE for COVID-19?* (Lateral flow or PCR)

    Do you have any ongoing symptoms or complications from your COVID-19 infection? (Cough, shortness of breathe, fatigue)

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Next" "Step 2"]

    Patient Details

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back" "Next" "Step 3"]

    About You

    Do you smoke cigarettes or vape?

    Do you drink alcohol?

    Do you take recreational drugs?

    Do you have vision or hearing impairment? (Do you wear glasses or hearing aids?)

    Have you had any dental work performed in the last 6 months?

    Any body piercings?

    Any loose teeth, crowns or plates?

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-4 "Back" "Next" "Step 4"]

    Surgical History

    Have you ever been to Weymouth Street Hospital or Phoenix Hospital Chelmsford before?

    Have you ever had an operation?*

    Have you ever had a general anaesthetic? (i.e this is where you have been unconscious)*

    Have you or a relative ever had a problem with an anaesthetic?

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-5 "Back" "Next" "Step 5"]


    Have you ever suffered from asthma? *

    [group asthma-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:


    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-6 "Back" "Next" "Step 6"]


    Do you have any lung problems? (Include chronic diseases and shortness of breath) *

    [group respiratory-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:


    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-7 "Back" "Next" "Step 7"]

    Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

    Do you snore*

    [group snore-logic]

    Have you been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?*

    Do you snore loudly?

    What is your collar size? (inches)

    Do you feel tired, fatigued or sleepy during the day?

    Has anyone observed you to stop breathing during your sleep? (Partners often report the person snores, then is silent for a few seconds)

    Please provide as much information as possible.



    Have you ever had heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pain or heart palpitaions?*

    [group cardiovascular-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    Do you have any of the following?

    Please provide as much information as possible.
    The dates and results of any investigations would be helpful (dd/mm/yyyy)



    Have you ever had kidney, urinary or prostate problems?* (Women can exclude up to 3 urinary tract infections)

    [group renal-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    If you are male, do you have prostate problems. Frequency, poor stream, difficulty passing urine, getting up at night to urinate?

    Please tick if you have you had:

    Please provide as much information as possible.



    Have you ever had liver disease?*

    [group hepatic-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    Please provide as much information as possible.



    Have you ever had pancreatitis?* (Please include cysts and pancreatic cancer)


    Have you ever had indigestion or stomach problems?* (This includes reflux, heartburn & ulcers)

    [group gastrointestinal-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    Please provide as much information as possible.



    Have you ever had diabetes?* (Please include diabetes in pregnancy)

    [group diabetes-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    [checkbox diabetes-d use_label_element 'I have had low blood sugar ('hypos') in the last year']

    Please provide as much information as possible. If you are on insulin, this will need to be modified before your operation and the Pre-assessment nurse will contact you


    Neck problems

    Have you ever had neck problems?* (Please include trauma, ankylosing spondylitis and an increasingly stiff neck)

    [group neck-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    Please provide as much information as possible. If you are on insulin, this will need to be modified before your operation and the Pre-assessment nurse will contact you



    Have you had bleeding problems or clots?* (This includes DVT, pulmonary embolus, Factor V Leiden and Haemophilia)

    [group clotting-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    Please provide as much information as possible.



    Have you had anaemia, blood problems or leukaemia?* (Please include sickle cell, thalassaemia and other inherited problems)

    [group haematology-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    Please provide as much information as possible. If you have a recent haemoglobin test result please provide the result



    Have you ever had fits, a stroke, TIA (mini stroke), brain tumour, blackouts/fainting or receive treatment from a Neurologist?*

    [group neurology-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    [checkbox neurology-i use_label_element 'I have had Parkinson's Disease']

    Please give further details.


    Mental Health and Memory Loss

    Have you ever had bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, claustrophobia or memory loss?*

    [group mental-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:

    Please provide further details if possible.



    Have you an under or over active thyroid? *

    [group thyroid-logic]

    Please tick all that apply:



    Medication and Drugs

    Are you taking any medication? Have you taken steroids in the last three months? Please include over the counter and recreational drugs , vitamins and Chinese herbs *

    [group medication]

    Please list all the drugs you are taking. The dosage would be helpful, especially if you are on insulin



    Are you allergic to any drugs, medicines, foods or LATEX?* (Include anything that causes a rash, wheezing, difficulty breathing or anaphylactic shock)

    If yes, please provide details. Please state the name of the drug or allergen and what reaction you had. Your GP may be able to assist you if you cannot remember.



    Please tick if you have or have had any of the following infections

    Please tick if any of the below apply to you

    Please state the hospital or country

    Please provide as much information as possible.


    Have you had falls?*

    Can you lay flat?

    Do you have mobility problems or need mobility aids? *

    Please provide as much information as possible.


    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-8 "Back" "Next" "Step 8"]

    Needle Phobia

    Do you have a needle phobia?*

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-9 "Back" "Next" "Step 9"]

    Additional Details

    Are you under any specialists doctors or your GP for current investigations?*

    If you answered yes to the above, please specify.

    Will you be on your period during your hospital admission?*

    Are you currently breastfeeding?*

    Do you have any dietary requirements (Kosher, vegan, vegetarian, coeliac?)*

    If you answered yes to the above, please specify.

    Are you a private or NHS patient?*

    If there is anything else that is not covered in the questions above, which you feel we should know, please give further details below:

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-10 "Back" "" "Step 10"]


    Please type your name and press the submit button. The questionnaire will go to our Pre-assessment nurse who will coordinate with your consultant anaesthetist. We will contact you if we need any further information or require any further tests.

    Thank you for your help and we hope you have a comfortable stay at Phoenix Hospital Group.

    Type your name below to accept*

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-11 "Back" "Step 11"]

    Why Choose MyBreast

    Leading Surgeons

    We will only ever offer you the highest skilled Consultant Surgeons who will confidently achieve the best surgical outcomes. All our Consultants are GMC registered, on the Specialist Register and many are members of BAAPS and BAPRAS.

    Exceptional Aftercare

    We recognise that the right aftercare is just as important as the procedure itself. Our team will be on-hand to support you during your healing process and ensure you are safe and comfortable at every stage of your journey.

    Your wellbeing is our top priority

    We understand that any procedure can be a daunting experience which is why we will ensure that you feel safe and supported throughout your entire journey. Our 5 star service and hospitals are part of how we have built our reputation on quality and care.


    Get in touch

    Look no further for your dream body.

    Get in touch today to speak to one of our friendly advisors who will be able to book you in for an initial consultation.

    9 Harley St | London | W1G 9QY